Sunday, January 24, 2010

Finding Familiarity

I have been in Ecuador for almost one month now. That is just really weird for me to think about. As someone would have told me who has done this sort of thing before, it gets much difficult after the first couple weeks. I would tell that person now that they are correct. Being in a culture with no real proficient way to communicate is tough. Particularly it is difficult find familiarity in any day to day experiences. Here are a few of my top things to do in order that I feel Canadian!

Listen to CBC radio one or two (mostly two)

Skype with friend and family in Canada

Drink a cup of coffee and read a book

Go for a run

Taking pictures

Those are just a few of the things that have provided me with some sort of nostalgic feeling that says "you are going to be alright." I suppose that I have been feeling slightly down lately. I know that this is a temporary feeling. It isn't something that lasts. It is a feeling that I assume has not bottomed out yet. I believe that routine is something that provides emotional stability for me. I like that about myself. I would like it more if I could stay that I am naturally creature of routine and that it come naturally for me. It takes effort. Especially initially. One could feel welcomed to draw a connection between this statement and the date of my last post.

I need to practice the things that I am familiar with, I need to become familiar with the things that are important. These things are what I want to make routine.

I had a discussion with a friend last week about stability. How I have never been someone that would consider himself stable. I sway one way to another. I would like to think this is something that can be changed, much like my friend does, but I am not so sure. Have I been created with the ability to be stable or are my thoughts, emotions, feeling a moving target?

I don't know the answer to this question but I would suspect that it is A and B. I can practice stability through acting routinely with things that I value. This of coarse would be the ongoing search for God and Jesus and His Spirit.